Not only helping, but improving ourselves

Over the weekend, together with Ukrainian journalists from regional and national publications, we took part in a specialized training session by certified first aid specialists in dealing with injuries and traumas both in the home front and in combat.

A representative of the journalistic community, Ilya Suzdalev, head of the Kyiv Center for Journalistic Solidarity of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, also joined our training.

After listening to a detailed briefing, they immediately practiced what they had learned. Not only on themselves, but also on each other. We practiced personal safety, assistance in case of injuries, critical bleeding, evacuation of the wounded, and behavior under fire. They even learned how to use a turnstile for divers. And much, much more according to the NATO MARCH protocol.

The journalists are satisfied – and so are we. More details are available on our website here:

After successfully completing the training, each of the journalists received two high-quality turnstiles: one for personal use and one for training. As a memento of the event, they also received key chains made of frontline shell casings with the Foundation’s emblem. Everyone else will receive certificates.

The war is still on. That is why everyone, not only journalists and the military, needs to undergo the relevant training and more than once. Our lives depend on it. Both ours and our loved ones’ lives depend on it. Especially when time is running out for minutes. Any of us can find ourselves at the site of a falling debris or even an explosion. That is why it is crucial not only to know, but also to be able to put into practice the knowledge of first aid in case of injuries and traumas. And not only at the front, but also in the rear.

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