Helping IDPs in Luhansk Oblast

IDPs in the Luhansk region of Ukraine have suffered a lot from the war. Many of them are still going through great challenges to get to the government-controlled territory from the enemy-occupied territory. Many of them have been tortured and humiliated. And they need help.

That’s why we continue to deliver humanitarian aid to internally displaced persons fleeing the war. At the same time, we stay in Ukraine. To work and raise their children in their homeland.
We have lost count of the number of times we have recently loaded up a beadle and set off. To bring them food: sweets, coffee, tea, cereals, condensed milk, stew, butter, oil, pates, oatmeal, flour, hygiene products, clothes and shoes.
They also need blankets, bedding, medicines, etc.
Please join in – a good deed always returns a hundredfold!

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