Ukrainian rescuers already have the uniforms

To put out fires. To rescue people from the rubble. To take them out of the epicenter of the fire. To do this job, you need a reliable uniform.

Firefighter’s clothing must be highly durable, heat-resistant, strong, and resistant to various chemicals. It should be comfortable and have a loose fit so as not to restrict movement. According to international standards, a firefighter’s protective suit must withstand 13 seconds of exposure to a moderate open flame at a temperature of 180 C. And they are tested at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. And only then do they give the “go-ahead” for use. The Ukrainian ones have only 2. That is why the protective clothing provided by our German partners to firefighters is extremely necessary in places where the enemy is still terrorizing civilians with frequent shelling. Thank you, German-Ukrainian Society of Saxony-Anhalt and Notruf Ukraine represented by Nadiya Pylypchuk from Magdeburg – the uniforms you sent will save many lives!

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