Much attention is paid to rehabilitation centers

In particular, to the state rehabilitation institution All-Ukrainian Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities in Lutezh.

It was here that a verticalizer lift was recently brought with the support of Oksana Ulan and the Ukrainian Medical Society in Germany to improve the rehabilitation of patients. Ms. Oksana also met with the staff and patients, familiarized herself with the rehabilitation conditions and their needs.

“Every person with disabilities strives to be active, confident in themselves and their abilities, needed by others, self-sufficient,” comments Stepan Aslanian, President of the “Help for Ukraine” Charitable Foundation. – “Comprehensive rehabilitation is an important step towards this. Today, the need for it in Ukraine is growing many times over because of the war. We want to help these people as much as possible. And with partners like Oksana Ulan and the Ukrainian Medical Society in Germany, we are able to do it efficiently and effectively.”

The center resumed its work in September last year – the institution was severely damaged after the occupation of Kyiv region. Almost all the buildings were critically damaged. With the assistance of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society and the Luxembourg Red Cross, all the premises were reconstructed and bomb shelters were set up. It can accommodate 136 patients at a time. Both adults and children. They can undergo a rehabilitation course with therapists, orthopedists, neurologists, psychotherapists, psychologists, physiotherapists and pediatricians. You can undergo locomotor therapy, verticalization, mechanotherapy, therapeutic massages, various types of physiotherapy, physical therapy, ergotherapy, peloid therapy, and rehabilitation in water. And to learn beekeeping, shoe repair, computer and accounting, sewing, embroidery, hairdressing and manicure skills.

We are grateful to Oksana Ulan and the Ukrainian Medical Society in Germany in Hamburg, Medical e.V., and to the concerned citizens and volunteers of Hamburg!

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