20 functional beds to Kyiv’s 8th hospital

This help to the hospital is extremely necessary and timely. Such medical furniture ensures the comfort and speedy recovery of patients, so the issue of replenishing it is more urgent than ever. Especially in such a difficult and challenging time for Ukraine.

From the very beginning of our foundation’s work, we have been helping where it is needed most. We provide food, clothing, bandages, disinfectants and medicines… And medical equipment, which our hospitals are now sorely lacking, first and foremost.
In this we have reliable partners – Oksana Ulan and Olga Pavlova of the German Medical e.V. Foundation, who, together with like-minded people, regularly provide us with functional beds, mattresses, crutches, rollators, wheelchairs for people with disabilities, cots, ultrasound machines, medical tripods and other medical equipment, medicines and hygiene products… We have already helped more than 100 hospitals across the country and are ready to help even more.
These beds will allow doctors to provide better medical care, as patients often need special conditions for recovery. Different medical procedures require different body positions. Their functionality greatly facilitates the work of medical staff. And it is extremely important for those who are undergoing rehabilitation after surgery, injuries, or during the treatment of serious illnesses.
We thank our partners!

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